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In this newsletter:
  • Space - now also available with asymmetrical light distribution
  • Download the Space publication

Symmetrical or asymmetrical distribution - Space keeps the round expression

We present Space with asymmetrical light distributions, and we are proud of the solution which will not change the perception of a round luminaire. Space is fully enlighted both with symmetrical and asymmetrical light distribution.
We believe this is a genuine innovation which will be appreciated as we also maintain the really high lighting comfort of Space. Also very important, in many applications the asymmetrical distributions will result in energy savings compared to round-symmetrical.
Space, design AART Designers

Space with asymmetrical light distribution

Space, design AART Designers

Space with symmetrical light distribution

Space, design AART Designers
Space, design AART Designers

Download the publication

In both solutions, Space is comfortable with its indirect, direct, and diffused light, offering excellent light distribution with high uniformity. In the enclosed publication we introduce the Space design in general and add information about the lighting distributions, smart city and modularity.

Space, design AART Designers

More information

Presentation of the asymmetrical Space version including specifications and photometric data is available at

We are ready to deliver the Space luminaires and we are ready to explain the new features in detail. Please take contact with any questions you might have.
Flemming Hald, international sales director
Flemming Hald
International Sales Director
tel. +45 2790 2913
Bente Riis, marketing manager
Bente Riis
Marketing Manager
tel. +45 4914 8081
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